Flowers to enhance life’s moments

Boulder Blooms is a local floral-design studio with over 20 years of experience in creating custom flower designs for the Colorado community. We believe in the beauty of flowers to enhance life’s most memorable moments. We are built on the pillars of sustainability, warmth, collaboration and beauty, and are motivated by the untamed, natural elements around us. Every design is custom made and crafted to showcase the most creative of floral dreams.

We are a welcoming and inclusive studio, open to all people and all types of life moments.

Boulder Blooms

How We Work

We believe in being socially-conscious and aim to make eco-friendly decisions in everything that we do. From composting our flower trimmings to using recycled paper cardstock, to supporting our local farmers as much as we can, we are always looking for ways to lower our footprint. And buying local is one of those ways!

Our Local Partners

Want to Sell Us Your Flowers?

We are always looking to support local businesses. If you are a local grower or gift vendor, please contact us! Supporting small farmers and crafters is one of our favorite things to do.